Lecture by Dr. Margit Zuckriegl
"A History of Photography’s Reception. Examples from International Photography"
17. May 2013
Lecture by Dr. Margit Zuckriegl
"A History of Photography’s Reception. Examples from International Photography"
17. May 2013
Dr. Margit Zuckriegl, head of the Austrian Photography Gallery at Museum der Moderne, Salzburg, talked to an audience of over 80 intrigued listeners about selected icons from the history of photography, among them Alfred Eisenstaedts famous “V-J Day Kiss”, taken on Times Square in 1945 or the well-known portrait of Che Guevara by René Burri. Taking her own research on Che Guevara as a “photographic phenomenon” as a starting point, Zuckriegl discussed the “Wirkungsgeschichte” of these particular photographs and focussed on the history of their public impact and their reception.
Fotos: Marco Pauer (WestLicht)
Rebekka Reuter (WestLicht/OstLicht)
Dr. Margit Zuckriegl
Anna Auer, Prof. Peter Baum
Anna Zimm (WestLicht), Rebekka Reuter (WestLicht/OstLicht), Fritz Simak, Dr. Margit Zuckriegl, Anna Auer, Uwe Schögl