Panel discussion: Where is photography going?
Panel discussion: Where is photography going?
Panel Discussion Hard Disk Levy - Freedom of Panorama - Visions of the Future: Where is photography going?
Whether press, professional or hobby photographer: Photography is omnipresent today, but burdened with a myriad of constraints, regulations and laws. The following discussed the issue: Prof. Dr. Alfred J. Noll, lawyer; Günter Schönberger, Bildrecht; Gerhard Sokol, Syndikat Foto Film, together with Prof. Axel Hubmann of Syndikat Foto Film.
Photos: Csaba Gyönös/WestLicht
Fabian Knierim, Curator WestLicht
Mag. Günter Schönberger; RA Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alfred J. Noll
Prof. Axel Hubmann