Panel discusson "BORDERLINE CASES"
Panel discusson "BORDERLINE CASES"
Exciting evening on the 16th of February 2022 at WestLicht on the occasion of the panel discussion BORDERLINE CASES: FLUCHTBEWEGUNGEN DIESSEITS UND JENSEITS DER GRENZE in the context of the exhibition GRENZLAND IM FOKUS. 100 YEARS OF BURGENLAND.
Political upheavals have repeatedly forced people to flee from Hungary to Austria and from Austria to Hungary. Apart from its function as a barrier and dividing line - not only during the times of the Iron Curtain - the border has therefore always been a symbol of hope for a safer and better life on the other side.
As part of the exhibition GRENZLAND IM FOKUS. 100 YEARS OF BURGENLAND, a prominent panel discussed this ambivalent nature of borders.
Many thanks to: Michael Achenbach (research associate of the Province of Burgenland), Herbert Brettl (historian), Walter Reiss (journalist), Gerhard Baumgartner (director of the Documentation Centre of Austrian Resistance), Ibolya Murber (university lecturer at the Institute of History of the Loránd Eötvös University of Budapest) and to Florian Rainer (photographer).
The event took place in cooperation with the Interreg-Projekt border(hi)stories.
We would like to thank everyone for coming and for the exciting contributions!
Photos: © Fabian Friesenbichler
Ibolya Murber, Florian Rainer, Walter Reiss and Gerhard Baumgartner
Ibolya Murber
Ibolya Murber, Florian Rainer, Walter Reiss